Tuesday, May 02 2023
And now 50 days after Passover, the timing is perfect as we celebrate Shavuot/Pentecost!Historically, this period of time has been one of waiting in hopeful anticipation of what the Lord has in store for the season ahead for His people. In biblical times, Shavuot commemorated the end of the spring wheat harvest — the blessing that came after the planting, tending and waiting. The people were to bring the firstfruits of their harvest to the Lord and give thanks for His provision. I’m writing to invite you to give the firstfruits of your harvest out of your thankfulness to God — thankfulness for His faithfulness through this challenging time. Today, Shavuot is most widely known as the Jewish holiday that celebrates the day God gave His teaching, instruction and commandments (the Torah) to His people through Moses. The Israelites had gathered with great expectation at the base of Mount Sinai. God had rescued them from brutal slavery in Egypt only weeks before. They were tired, hungry, thirsty and growing impatient. Maybe they felt that life was beginning to pass them by and their plight would never end. Something we have probably all felt. But when Moses finished teaching the people the Law God had given him, God made a covenant with them — His Chosen People. “So Moses came and told the people all the words of ADONAI as well as all the ordinances. All the people answered with one voice and said, ‘All the words which ADONAI has spoken, we will do’” — Exodus 24:3 (TLV) No longer would the Jewish people have to wait to hear from God — now He had sealed His covenant with them. Their wait was over! It’s no mistake that centuries later, after Jesus had risen, God poured out His Holy Spirit at Pentecost just as the Jewish people were celebrating Shavuot. “When the day of Shavuot had come, they were all together in one place. Suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” — Acts 2:1-2 (TLV) That, too, was after a time of waiting, after Jesus ascended to be with the Father. A large crowd was gathered for the pilgrimage Feast of Shavuot. They were waiting with expectation for the “promise of the Father,” though they didn’t know exactly what to expect. And the Holy Spirit came upon the people, and 3,000 came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) following Peter’s preaching. Although centuries apart, it is no coincidence that the giving of the Law and the outpouring of the Spirit occurred on the same day! There is a connection and continuity that can only be brought about by our God. And here at Aliyah Foundation, we see God leading and guiding the ministry during this recent season of waiting on the Lord. As we are working and believing for the harvest, we can be encouraged by these words: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” — Galatians 6:9 (NIV) You play an important role in this work. That’s why, as we pray and seek God, we are so thankful for you, our faithful partners. And, importantly, that our Jewish community has the chance to hear the Good News of the Messiah, Jesus! You are part of God’s provision for the Aliyah Foundation, enabling our ministry to the Jewish people to keep growing and adapting to changing times and circumstances. Please give again today in honor of Shavuot to keep reaching God’s Chosen People with the love and hope of the Messiah, Jesus. May you know His joy and peace as you wait in hopeful anticipation for this Shavuot!