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Feb. 19-26

Prayer is Effective: We encourage you to read the news for the purpose of praying for each situation. I cannot remember where I heard this quote, but it continues to motivate me to pray. “THE ONLY PRAYERS THAT DON’T GET ANSWERED ARE THE ONES NOT PRAYED”


Hostages’ Medications Found in Gaza Hospital

The IDF reported that while operating in a hospital in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza, they discovered medications intended for the hostages. Since Hamas allegedly agreed to provide life-saving medicines to the hostages weeks ago, their families have anxiously awaited confirmation that the medications reached them.

Regrettably, the discovery confirms that the hostages did not receive the essential medications they required. This revelation is consistent with the testimony of the two hostages rescued by the IDF last week, who stated they were not given any medications during their captivity.

This validation of Israeli concerns is further underscored by an additional revelation: Israeli authorities report that 12% of UNRWA employees have official ties to a Gaza terror organization, with 30 employees actively participating in events on October 7th. Given this complicity, how can anyone place trust in this organization to ensure the well-being of the hostages when it is directly involved in their captivity?

Other Fronts: Hizballah threatens Israel | Israeli gov unanimously opposes Palestinian state

  • “Blood for blood” – Following extensive Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanon at the end of last week, the Lebanese group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened: Israel will pay “blood for blood.” He also claimed that the group had the military capacity to score missile hits as far as Eilat. The threat – his most direct and vicious to date – comes amid an escalation on Israel’s northern border.

  • In response to extensive Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon last week, Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Lebanese group, issued a threat: Israel will face "blood for blood." He asserted that the group possesses the military capability to target Eilat with missile strikes. This threat, Nasrallah's most direct and aggressive to date, coincides with escalating tensions on Israel's northern border.

  • Rewarding terror – The Israeli government unanimously passed a bill rejecting international efforts to establish a Palestinian state. Ministers from various political backgrounds suggested that this move, believed to be influenced by the Biden Administration, sends a message to Hamas that acts of terrorism against Israelis are being rewarded.

  • Hostage protests – The "Order 9" movement persisted in obstructing aid from reaching Gaza this morning through the Nitzana crossing. This ongoing protest follows a day of large-scale demonstrations in Tel Aviv and Caesarea demanding the release of hostages, resulting in the arrest of four protesters. This morning, an Israeli minister stated that if the hostages were not released, Israel would take action in Rafah.

  • Egypt allegedly preparing for displaced Gazans – Following months of refusing to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza, an Egyptian minister made an unexpected statement suggesting a possible shift in stance on the matter. Additionally, there have been reports of photos emerging depicting a substantial compound being constructed in Sinai, purportedly intended to accommodate up to 100,000 displaced individuals. Israel has refrained from offering any commentary on the situation.

  • Well-known church to WH: End Israel funding – The American Methodist Episcopal Church, with over 3 million members nationwide, urged the Biden White House to halt funding to Israel, citing the ongoing "genocide" in Gaza. They are the initial major Christian group to take this stance, though there are concerns among some Israelis that others may follow suit.

  • Additional anti-Semitism – Brazilian President Lula has drawn severe criticism for likening Israel's military actions against Hamas to Hitler's Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of six million Jews. Lula also accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. In response, Israel's Foreign Minister has called for a meeting with the Brazilian ambassador tomorrow, signaling strong discontent diplomatically. Additionally, in Davos, Switzerland, the owner of a ski shop has refused service to Jewish customers, reflecting a concerning rise in anti-Semitism across Europe.

Please continue to pray!

  • Pressure on Hamas to release the hostages and divine protection over them won other fronts.

  • Prayers for deterrence against Hezbollah and for calm restoration on Israel’s northern border.

  • Healing for the injured, particularly those battling bacterial and fungal infections acquired in Gaza, and wisdom for medical teams treating them.

  • Protection over Israelis—soldiers and civilians—struggling with PTSD. 

  • For the healing from the trauma the hostages endured while in captivity. Also, prayers for the rescue of all hostages.

  • Prayers for wisdom and unity in Israel’s political and military leadership, prioritizing Israel’s well-being over personal interests.

  • Continued international support for Israel, especially as the IDF prepares for a campaign in southern Gaza.

  • Continued cooperation between Israel and Egypt against Hamas.

  • Prayers for decisive action against anti-Semitism worldwide.

  • Awakening and involvement of the global Body of Messiah to stand for God and Israel.

  • Funding for ongoing efforts through "Operation Comfort" to aid Israeli families.

  • God's provision for civilians in conflict areas, especially those in northern Israel seeking evacuation.

  • Prayers for the people of Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and the wider Arab world to discover the truth and embrace the God of Israel.

  • May the Lord's peace reign over the land and in the hearts of all in Israel, leading them to recognize their Messiah. 

  • Comfort for the families of Israel's fallen soldiers and hope for those whose loved ones are still held hostage by Hamas.

  • Protection over Israel's soldiers, both those engaged in combat within Gaza and 

The only prayer unanswered is the one not prayed!