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Annual Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

On the first Sunday of every October, over 1,500 global Christian leaders are rallying millions to unite in prayer, setting aside the first Sunday of every October as the Day of Prayer of the Peace of Jerusalem. This movement was started by Pastors Jack Hayford and Robert Stearns.  We invite you to join this global mission by mobilizing your community to pray for God's promise of peace will be realized for all inhabitants of this historic city.  Join us to learn more and pray with us. 

Why should I pray?

Because Scripture compels us.

“I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem: They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. “ Isaiah 62:6-7

Psalm 122 and Isaiah 62 teach us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” and “give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem as a praise in the earth.” Our prayers for Jerusalem should be regular and persistent.

For whom should I pray?

Pray for both Jew and Arab alike, and for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Specifically pray for religious and political leaders, oppressed women and children, victims of terror, believers in the land, and the young generations of Israelis and Arabs.

How often should I pray?

Be sure to invite your local congregation to participate in the global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, the first Sunday of every October. In addition, you are encouraged to make praying for the Peace of Jerusalem a part of your daily prayers.

A Prayer for Jerusalem
Our Father in Heaven, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in obedience to Your Word, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.  Bless the people of Israel with Your promise of redemption, shield them with Your love, and bring them renewed hope for their day of salvation.  Guide Israel's leaders and advisors with the light of Your truth.  For Your Name's sake, I ask that You remember Your promise and bless the land with peace and its inhabitants with lasting joy.  Amen.

Guide to Praying for Jerusalem

Pray for the Jewish People

Pray for God’s promised redemption to come to the Jewish people and for His light and truth to shine upon them. Is. 59:20, Is. 60:1, Rom. 11:12

Protection from Terrorism

Pray for God’s supernatural safety, peace, and protection to guard the land and all its people from terrorism and the forces of evil. Gen. 12:3, Ps. 91:1-16, Zech. 2:4-5

Government and Leadership

Pray for wise counsel for Israel’s leaders and that God would reveal Himself to the leadership of the land and the surrounding nations as the only source of true peace. Gen. 17:7-8, Deut. 1:13, Is. 9:6

Provision for those in Poverty

Pray for humanitarian aid to be multiplied throughout the land to care for the brokenhearted and those in need, through the love of Jesus. Ps. 147:2-3, Is. 58:6-8, Jas. 1:27, Rom. 15:27

Godly Advocates

Pray for God to raise up vigilant Biblical “Watchmen” around the world who will stay informed of the current situation, engage in intercession, and boldly sound the alarm in their nations, on behalf of Israel. Is. 40:1-2, Is. 62:6-7, Zech. 8:20-23, Zech. 14:16

Prayer for the Arabs

Pray for strength for the Christian Arab population to be a powerful witness for the Lord in their com- munities, and that God will reveal Himself to Muslim families through the redemption of Jesus.
Gen. 17:20, Is. 19:23-25, Is. 56:6-7, Eph. 2:13

Restoration & Healing

Pray for reconciliation between the Christians and Jewish people, as well as between the offspring of Ishmael and Isaac, and that Christ’s love will shine throughout the Middle East. Is. 61:4, Am. 9:11-12, Eph. 2:14-15, Rom. 11:11-12, Is. 61:4